• Knitting a sweater for my honey
  • Falling over in disbelief that school starts in less than two weeks
  • Trying to find a job

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Corporate correspondence

I saw a funny letter to a maxi pad company this morning over at DST, and it got me thinking about some corporate letters that I've wanted to write for some time. One of them is similar to the joke I read. Here goes.

Dear Kotex,

Which of your product designers decided that putting real Velcro on your maxi pad wings would be a brilliant innovention? Clearly not one who's ever had to walk 15 blocks through midtown Manhattan with the velcro coming loose and rubbing a 2" raw wound into each of his inner thighs. I recommend you get on the treadmill with a Brillo pad in your shorts and give it a try.


Dear Target,

Why do you enclose your Cherokee boys' briefs in ziptop packaging? Surely you don't expect me to remove the underwear, then use the bag to store my dinner leftovers?

Grossed Out

Comments on "Corporate correspondence"


Blogger Petra said ... (4:07 PM) : 

This is too funny Cindy..I also saw the thread over at DST, almost made me pie my pants...LOL!

Have a great tuesday and thanks for playing! :-)


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:13 PM) : 

rotflmbo...you are too funny! Oh, and I love that kit you've got going on the left side of the blog....gonna have to check it out. :)


Blogger Jen Caputo said ... (11:41 PM) : 

LOL, you are killing me!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:58 PM) : 

snort! Please remind me not to read your blog during my lunch break - wiping soda off my desk now.


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