• Knitting a sweater for my honey
  • Falling over in disbelief that school starts in less than two weeks
  • Trying to find a job
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Location: New York

Mom to two wacky kids, wife to a fun-loving guy, progressive, liberal, and way too soft-hearted. Okay, a pushover. Also, an obsessive knitter.

  • The Loopy Ewe

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Thursday, September 28, 2006

Last day for Sept digi dare!!

Don't forget, today is the last day to post your layouts for the final September dare at We Digi Dare Ya! Layout links MUST be posted by midnight Eastern US time to qualify for points. Tomorrow we will post the first October dare, along with instructions on how to tally your points and communicate them to us. Remember, the first prize winner gets $45 in digital scrapping supplies from the September dare sponsors! Second prize is $30, and third is $15. And you will NOT be judged: all the top points scorers' names will go in a hat for a random drawing.

If you missed out on some of the dares and feel sad that you won't be in the running this month, just remember that tomorrow everyone starts from zero again. I hope you'll join us for a fun month in October of challenges, meaningful layouts, and prizes! I DARE you to! :)

Comments on "Last day for Sept digi dare!!"


Blogger Monica said ... (9:54 PM) : 

How cool Cindy :) I got all 4 of my LO's Uploaded and linked to the Digi Dare comments.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:07 AM) : 

hey cindy,
you´ve been tagged.
details on my blog.
´have fun


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