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Location: New York

Mom to two wacky kids, wife to a fun-loving guy, progressive, liberal, and way too soft-hearted. Okay, a pushover. Also, an obsessive knitter.

  • The Loopy Ewe

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Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Make mine a double

Double ear infection, that is. My poor little guy was in the nurse's office yet again, complaining that his ear hurt. My kids rarely get ear infections, so his minor complaints about his ears last week fell on deaf...well, ears. I just cleaned em out and figured he'd be fine. But by the time I got to school to take him home he was nearly in tears from the pain. The doctor barely even had to look to know he had it bad. Thank goodness we're home now with grape flavored amoxicillin and ready to knock that stuff out. Well, as soon as he wakes up. Poor kid.

Comments on "Make mine a double"


Blogger Chris said ... (10:57 PM) : 

Sorry for Ben, Cindy. I had a double ear infection as an adult (around 40) and I can tell you, it is the WORST pain. I remember falling asleep with warm wash clothes pressed up again both ears. BTW, warm clothes against the ears works really well to relieve the pain. GIve him a hug for me!


Blogger Pam said ... (10:15 AM) : 

Poor Ben!


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