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Location: New York

Mom to two wacky kids, wife to a fun-loving guy, progressive, liberal, and way too soft-hearted. Okay, a pushover. Also, an obsessive knitter.

  • The Loopy Ewe

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Thursday, June 15, 2006

Things to cherish

Today I spent a lot of time just listening to my four year old talk. (He does a lot of that.) In about half an hour I managed to snag several quotables, which I think I'll use on a scrapbooking page called "Half an hour with Ben" or something like that. Get a load of these:

Me: Hey Ben, you aren't hungry are you?
He: Why shouldn't I be hungry? I'm hungry enough to eat a baby zebra!

Upon tasting toast with honey for the first time: "Needs ketchup."

Upon seeing his toaster pastry (a replacement for the toast with honey) has an empty spot in the middle of the frosting: "It has a pupick!" (pupick is Yiddish for belly button)

On Star Wars: "That gold guy is 3CPO. Or maybe 3D-CPO. Sometimes I get it backwards. And sometimes I get it forwards. And sometimes I get it silly."

What a crackup!

Comments on "Things to cherish"


Blogger Erin (moviemuse) said ... (3:26 PM) : 

These are so cute! And I think "Half an Hour with Ben" is a wonderful title. I'll probably borrow the idea when my little guy can say more than 5 words.


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