• Knitting a sweater for my honey
  • Falling over in disbelief that school starts in less than two weeks
  • Trying to find a job
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Location: New York

Mom to two wacky kids, wife to a fun-loving guy, progressive, liberal, and way too soft-hearted. Okay, a pushover. Also, an obsessive knitter.

  • The Loopy Ewe

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Thursday, August 24, 2006

Evil, evil, evil

Throughout several blogs you're going to find little hints about the new site that's going live at midnight. Here's my sneaky peeky. ;)

Comments on "Evil, evil, evil"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:27 PM) : 

Oooh...sneaky girl! LOL Can't wait until tomorrow! Wish I was in on the dealio! :)


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