• Knitting a sweater for my honey
  • Falling over in disbelief that school starts in less than two weeks
  • Trying to find a job
My Photo
Location: New York

Mom to two wacky kids, wife to a fun-loving guy, progressive, liberal, and way too soft-hearted. Okay, a pushover. Also, an obsessive knitter.

  • The Loopy Ewe

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Monday, May 21, 2007

Oh bother

Theresa has gone and tagged me, that booger. So I'll type up seven things you may or may not know about me, but I'll spare everyone else by not forwarding on the tag. Kay?

1. I have an uber-cool authentic '70s Pinball Wizard pinball machine in my basement. It was here in the '70s when this house was the main house for the day camp that is currently a big swath of McMansions which surrounds our modest little farm ranch.

2. If I had all the money in the world I would buy up said McMansions, tear them down and plant lots of trees. Then I'd build a couple cottages and use them for my friends and relatives to come visit me or even live in.

3. My husband and I met doing musical theater. He was Marcellus and I was in the chorus of The Music Man. We didn't start dating until a year later when he was in the chorus and I was assistant stage manager for Guys and Dolls. We later went on to have large parts in the Gilbert and Sullivan operetta "Patience." We're currently co-starring in the interminable farce called "Raising Kids." <--(That last was a joke.)

4. I never drank alcohol until the day I turned 21. I insisted that they card me even though the (cute) waiter winkwink nudgenudged us that he wasn't planning on carding anyone at our table that night.

5. I hide candy in the office desk to eat while surfing the web and designing. It's behind the photo of me and my brother when we were little.

6. I hate to sweep the kitchen floor. One of the main reasons I want to get a dog is for its crumb-elimination capabilities.

And finally:

7. I can wiggle my ears without touching them with my hands. I can also lift up the little toe on my right foot and cross it over the fourth toe without touching it with my hands. I am unable to accomplish this feat (heh) on my left foot.

8. And one freebie: despite the fact that I have a reasonably decent singing voice (see #3) I have never watched an entire episode of American Idol.

There you have it. Hope you enjoyed that little insight into the minutiae of my life.

Comments on "Oh bother"


Blogger Pam said ... (9:51 AM) : 

OK, that toe thing gave me the heebie jeebies! EWWWW!


Blogger Theresa said ... (4:17 PM) : 

When you get all the money in the world, can I be your friend? I want to hang out in one of those cottages, cool!

Also? The toe thing wigs me out a bit too. But the ear thing is cool!


Blogger busyizzie said ... (10:23 PM) : 

Small world, my son was just in the chorus of Music Man less than a month ago.


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