• Knitting a sweater for my honey
  • Falling over in disbelief that school starts in less than two weeks
  • Trying to find a job

Friday, June 29, 2007

One last quick post before our trip

I just have to tell you...we're going to look at puppies today!!!! I'm so excited I just can't tell you. We decided on the Vizsla breed after some research, and found a breeder who has a litter that was born 3 weeks ago. We're going to see them today, and probably bring one home in mid-August. I may have time to post photos before we leave for NC tomorrow, but I'm not sure.

And also, please take a look at my new PRIVATE Yahoo group for kids: the Kids' Summer Scrapbook Challenge! Every two weeks I'll post a layout challenge for kids ages 5 to 12 (or so). We'll post our layouts in the Young Artists gallery at DST and leave each other praise. And at the end of the summer, I'll draw two names from the participants who have completed all the challenges and send them each a prize package! Each package will contain one Webkinz toy, one Little Kinz, and one pack of Webkinz trading cards. The group is moderated and private, and no one can join without my approval. The kids' safety is tantamount...my child will be participating too. So check it out here! And if you join, please include a note that you saw this on my blog so I'll know you're okay, lol.

**UPDATE!!** I have held those little puppies in my very own arms, and oh my gosh. They are SO cute!!!! I could have kissed them all day long. That sweet puppy smell, their velvety little ears, their squeaky little cries! I don't have time to post photos right now because I'm finally packing, but I will definitely put some up soon. My kids are in LURVE with them and I think I am too, lol! Even crusty ol' DH was a little mushy! YAY!

Comments on "One last quick post before our trip"


Blogger Lisa Joy said ... (1:34 PM) : 

Have a great trip!


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