• Knitting a sweater for my honey
  • Falling over in disbelief that school starts in less than two weeks
  • Trying to find a job
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Location: New York

Mom to two wacky kids, wife to a fun-loving guy, progressive, liberal, and way too soft-hearted. Okay, a pushover. Also, an obsessive knitter.

  • The Loopy Ewe

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Thursday, December 27, 2007

So, explain this to me

I took the kids to Target so Ben could exchange his Hot Wheels toy that he already had. We also went to Borders, each child with a $15 gift card. What did we come home with? A waffle iron. How the heck did that happen? Serves me right for watching Good Eats before going shopping. Waffles for brekkie tomorrow, though! Yay!

The kids are getting along well today, considering how long the vacation has been. I haven't had to punish anyone all week, knock wood. Now that Webkinz is down for maintenance, though, I don't know how much longer they can hold out. Playing Mouse Trap together was a nice thing for everyone.

So, I joined Spark People yesterday. If you haven't heard of it, let me enlighten you. It's like Weight Watchers Online, only free. I can't figure out what WW has that Spark People doesn't. So I signed up but I probably won't kick into the program for real until after New Year's Eve, because I want me some cannolis from Uncle Guiseppe's, which is what we usually bring to our friends' house for their yearly party. And the wife's mom usually sends over her homemade samosas (they're Indian) and they are SO delicious I could eat them all. But in the spirit of preparing for a healthier attitude toward food, I will try to control myself and enjoy the company more than the treats. I didn't set ANY weight loss or health goals last year, and I didn't gain any weight at all this year. But I do want to try and get down to my goal weight before I turn 40 in November, and I know I can do it. Anyone else setting weight loss goals? Want a buddy?

Comments on "So, explain this to me"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:41 PM) : 

I'll have to check out spark people - never heard of it!

I got some new needles for christmas thank goodness and I've been a magic loop fool knitting mittens since then. I did a pair for Jack (4yo) and have 1 done for Alex (7yo). Too much fun. Socks are on my list of things to learn NEXT.


I can't remember my google ID so logging this as anon - sorry about that!


Blogger Lisa said ... (11:37 PM) : 

I'll have to go check out Spark People, getting back on the bandwagon on the 1st again.


Blogger Linda Hosey said ... (10:05 PM) : 

I am a member of Sparkpeople and love it. The recipes are great and the exercise examples are wonderful.


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