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Location: New York

Mom to two wacky kids, wife to a fun-loving guy, progressive, liberal, and way too soft-hearted. Okay, a pushover. Also, an obsessive knitter.

  • The Loopy Ewe

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Friday, December 14, 2007

Love for the Z

I love me some Z-pak. I didn't end up going to the doctor yesterday because just as I was getting ready to leave, the ice started coming down in earnest and I didn't want to risk my little Corolla (and my little self!) on the roads. So I went in today and got the diagnosis of sinus infection. I was surprised; I thought it was bronchitis for sure because of the congested cough. But she said my lungs are clear and the cough is caused by my sinuses. Stupid head. But I got my golden pills--they're actually pink--and I'm on my way to recovery. I also have to do nasal spray (Nasonex) which I hate. But I'll do it if it helps me feel better.

I'm so glad it's the weekend. I had a large-ish meltdown yesterday because I don't know how to make my son do his work. I can't make him do it at home, much less at school. I think we have to add a line to his chore chart about doing homework in a reasonable amount of time. He sat there until dinner NOT doing his spelling sentences. I was kind, patient, helpful, and patient (yes I know I said that twice, but I had to use up a LOT of patience) for about the first half hour and then I got angrier and angrier. DH, who had come home early with an upset stomach, finally had to get out of bed to help me out before I started yelling. I just left the room entirely and DH handled it. Ben came upstairs not ten minutes later with his completed sentences for me to see. Now how come I, with love and patience, could not get that to happen? I guess because I had walked him through his first assignments step by step and I wasn't going to keep doing that. "Now do this. Now do that." He's got to start self-motivating. Sorry, I feel myself getting upset over it all over again and I have to let today be a new day.

Anyway, I'm glad it's the weekend with no homework. And maybe a little more snow. And poor Ben can finally open the roller coaster toy his grandmother gave him for Hanukkah--you know, the kind with a million zillion tiny little pieces that's actually made for a 12 year old? Thanks Maddy! :smiling sardonically and waving:

Comments on "Love for the Z"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:25 PM) : 

glad you got some magic meds for the sinus - ugh that's the worst.

And I totally feel your pain about the homework thing. Hannah was like that last year and I would have to leave the room, and once the house, to keep from doing bodily harm...no advice but you have my undying sympathy.


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