• Knitting a sweater for my honey
  • Falling over in disbelief that school starts in less than two weeks
  • Trying to find a job
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Location: New York

Mom to two wacky kids, wife to a fun-loving guy, progressive, liberal, and way too soft-hearted. Okay, a pushover. Also, an obsessive knitter.

  • The Loopy Ewe

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Wednesday, September 12, 2007

I got the job!

The job of class mom, that is, for my son's class. I'm working with another mom so that's good...shared responsibility is much better. In honor of the occasion I pulled out my homemade planner from last fall and rechristened it with freshly printed to-do lists and blank calendar pages. I just typed "bland" calendar pages, which I'm sure they will be even when they are no longer blank.

In other news, I hate the new puppy. Okay, hate is a strong word, but I discovered the meaning of "blind rage" today after the darn thing stole a freshly baked loaf of bread off the counter and cootified it, then peed on the floor three times while I was trying to make dinner. This after I conscientiously cleaned the entire first floor of my house today, paying special attention to the floors after the abuse they've taken this past month. He's got one more day to shape up before I start looking up "dog meat" recipes on the internet.

On the knitting front, I completed DD's Gryffindor scarf. It literally swallows her whole but she loves it. I've begun a hat for DS, and I've knitted the ear flaps, the main body of the hat, and the beginning of the decreases for the crown. It has a matching scarf too. I decided to start with the hat, though, because I'd had enough scarf for a while and wanted the challenge of something a bit more difficult. I'm knitting it on straight needles, so it will need to be stitched up when I'm done, plus some fun little cords added to the ear flaps.

Short school week this week due to Rosh Hashanah, and DS already has a playdate with the little girl who sits next to him in school. I found out from her mom tonight that it's a mutual admiration society over there...she talks about him at home as much as he talke about her. So cute.

Tomorrow's to do list:

Vacuum and dust upstairs
Vacuum stairs
Clean kids' bath
Fold a mountain of laundry

Comments on "I got the job!"


Blogger Chris said ... (11:05 AM) : 

Sorry about the puppy, Cindy. I hear ya on the rage part. But it gets better, I promise! Lily took care of a pack of tortillas (large ones still in the bag - I found just the plastic bag on the bed), 3/4 of a large pepperoni pizza (leaving the box on the table with the lid still closed, mind you), 6 LARGE donuts from the local donut shop (also leaving the box intact on the counter), several slices of bread- over sevaral different days - that were waiting in the toaster to be toasted for Matt's breakfast (I thought I was losing my mind because I KNEW I put those slices in there, and then they were gone). I think it was mostly when she was hungry and there was no food in her dish. So I learned to keep food available for her, and it got better. I still "hide" things on the back of the stove with a pan in front, or put them in the microwave just in case she forgets her manners.


Blogger Pam said ... (9:21 AM) : 

Congrats on the new job!

Sorry about Seeger! I hope he shapes up!

Oh and I'm joining you in the mounds of laundray today and we even did laundry on the trip!


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