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Location: New York

Mom to two wacky kids, wife to a fun-loving guy, progressive, liberal, and way too soft-hearted. Okay, a pushover. Also, an obsessive knitter.

  • The Loopy Ewe

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Saturday, June 07, 2008

Don't let him lick you on the mouth

So we have this really stupid frog living in our back yard. I keep finding him in the pool skimmers and putting him over in the bushes. The last time, I took him clear across the yard and hoped he'd learn his lesson. Yesterday, I opened the skimmer lid and there he was again, bobbing sheepishly up and down, looking at me with his little buggy frog eyes. I scooped him out again and set him on the sidewalk, thinking I would close the skimmer and take him across the yard again. Then I realized the dog was standing right there. I made a grab for his collar, but he was too quick for me. Poor Froggie will no longer go a courtin'--he was gobbled up in about two seconds.

Today, Seeger's new nickname is Frog Breath.

Comments on "Don't let him lick you on the mouth"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:38 AM) : 

Oh man, last time my dog got a frog, he had seizures all night! Be carfeful! (glad yours didn't!)


Blogger Cindy said ... (8:41 AM) : 

Yikes, scary! Where do you live, the Congo? LOL! We didn't have any seizures that I could see, but I'll definitely watch him. Thanks for the info.


Blogger Sonya said ... (9:01 AM) : 

Man, dogs will eat anything. Imagine frog legs, without any garlic butter.


Blogger busyizzie said ... (10:27 PM) : 

This even made my hubby laugh! I guess Seeger was in need of some protein after eating all those dirty underwear!


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