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Location: New York

Mom to two wacky kids, wife to a fun-loving guy, progressive, liberal, and way too soft-hearted. Okay, a pushover. Also, an obsessive knitter.

  • The Loopy Ewe

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Sunday, September 23, 2007


I just have to vent. Rebecca is a pretty darn good soccer player...she really came into her own last season and was one of three top players on the team. Okay, I don't like to brag but she really was the star of the team. And she loves it. This year she has the opportunity to join the pretravel team, which will then be the travel team next year and play a lot more games outside the community. She wants to do it, I want her to do it, and it will be great to help her to continue improving.

The problem is, in order to be on pretravel you must also be on a regular team. And her new regular team coach has scheduled his practices at the same time as the pretravel practice. Who does that? Do they not communicate with each other in this organization? Isn't it beneficial to you to have a girl on your team who is so into soccer that she wants to do pretravel? Why make it so hard on her? I emailed the regular coach asking him if it was possible to change the practice day, but he said no. He suggests I take Rebecca to travel practice (which begins at 4:30), pull her from that practice early, then drive across town to his practice (which begins at 5:00) for a little while. In addition to this insane Thursday, she's supposed to be at the "supplemental" training being held every Wednesday. And she's supposed to do homework...when?

I emailed the pretravel coach explaining the situation and asking if it's possible for her to be changed to a different regular team that practices on a different day. Which then means she'll have three soccer practices a week. Ugh. But it's better than dragging her and her poor brother all over creation every Thursday, then having her melt down from exhaustion that night.

Okay, I feel somewhat better for venting, but these people better get their acts together and figure out what they want from these girls.

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