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  • Falling over in disbelief that school starts in less than two weeks
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Location: New York

Mom to two wacky kids, wife to a fun-loving guy, progressive, liberal, and way too soft-hearted. Okay, a pushover. Also, an obsessive knitter.

  • The Loopy Ewe

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Tuesday, October 23, 2007


firstsocks, originally uploaded by beccasmom_299.

I got the camera up the stairs. Must've been heavy, eh? These are my beautiful gorgeous and lovely first socks. I love them so. No, they are not identical but fraternal twins. They were created using a self-patterning yarn called Big Mexiko in the color Sombrero, and I certainly could have driven myself stark raving mad trying to find the exact spot in the second skein to match where I started with the first sock/skein, but I am neither that exacting nor that fashionable.

So here's the big news. A, my mammo was fine. Yay. B, my gall bladder is history. I'm going in on November 2nd to have the darn thing removed so I can stop feeling like a vise is gripping my middle once a week or so. The episodes have really stepped up and the sonogram showed stones, so out it goes. I have dubbed it Satan and will be glad to be rid of the evil bastard.

DS had a birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese today at 4:30. Yeah, homework was pretty much out the window, and now he's so hopped up on sugar that his handwriting homework turned out somewhat atrocious. DD had soccer practice at 5, which meant a whole heck of a lot of driving around for me this afternoon. Thank goodness my sweet DH called me on my cell and said, "I'm home, is there anything I can do to help you out?" The blessed soul.

I promise on my double-pointed needles that I will post a puppy photo for you next time, Pam. And to everyone in SoCal right now--Steve, Marilyn and the pooches, Denise who is still in Australia but whose kids are at home, all my neighbors from Carmel Mountain Ranch--my heart is with you now. Be safe and remember that they're only things, and the ones you love are the most important.

Comments on "Finally!"


Blogger Karen said ... (9:39 AM) : 

Cindy, I love the socks! They look really comfy and I'll bet they do a great job keeping your feet warm no matter whether they match exactly. Glad to hear the ladies are fine and I hope the gall bladder removal is uneventful. Looking forward to puppy pictures!


Blogger Pam said ... (10:54 AM) : 

Very cute socks! GOod luck with the surgery!

How on earth did you know I'd ask for pics? :)


Blogger Unknown said ... (12:33 PM) : 

The socks are just too cute!


Blogger Kate said ... (1:13 PM) : 

Very cute!


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